If this is the case, when you select one of the model files, the window pops up and shows you what it finds.
The model data requires you to have the directx redistributable for managed code installed. You can use the file>save to save the result. To change the text, simply select the text you wish to change, edit it in the box on the right and then press set text. The game text is stored along with IDs for each bit of text. The bmg editor allows for the editation of game text. The following formats are supported at present The texture editor allows you to zoom in and out and scroll around an image, and also to import and export the image to bmp images. It is unwise to use the SZS Files from the RAM as a reference of any kind, as they are often not true reflections of the data. Note, the USB Gecko Connection is not always perfect and there can be data corruption in transit.

Once the file has loaded from the RAM, it can then be saved in the normal way. If you leave the course or restart it, the effect may be unpredictable or unintended. You can also import patches under this condition and they will function. There is no guaranty that this will have the desired effect, but at least with texture hacking, it seems to function well. Provided you stay on the same course, any changes you make in the SZS Modifier will be transmitted to the RAM. Note this will cause the Wii to lag for a small period, and will cause the currently open SZS file to close if there is one. If a course is found in the RAM and all the other conditions are met, the SZS Modifier will prompt you for if you want to load this course. When it is clicked, the SZS Modifier will: Hook the console, check for RMCP01, RMCJ01 or RMCE01, check for a loaded course. At the same time, the menu option to connect to the USB Gecko device will become available. When a USB Gecko device is connected, a status light will appear in the bottom right of the main window. Note this command is unavailable when the USB Gecko is not connected.

Clicking on this and clicking Connect will attempt to hook the USB Gecko device. There is a button in the top menu which says USB Gecko. Upon most other data being selected, the hexadecimal values of the data will be shown.

Upon selecting a kmp file, the kmp editor will be displayed. Upon selecting a model, the model editor will open and the model will be displayed. Upon selecting a texture, it will be shown on the right. If possible, it will then display a list of all the textures, models and all other data within the file on the left side of the screen. The program is also capable of opening other files, such as. szs files with Yaz0 compression applied, however it can also read the uncompressed versions. The program is designed to read Mario kart wii's.